Called to Follow the Way of Christ

During His life on earth, Jesus never ceased to claim that whatever He did was done because He was sent by God His Father.

As His Father’s Son, Jesus was delighted to always do His Father’s will. Christ, therefore, gave His life because He was who He was from the beginning. As God’s sons and daughters, we Christians are called to follow the way of Christ.

By giving of our time and resources we demonstrate unity with and love for those with whom we are one. As Jesus prayed to his Father in John 17:11b “Holy Father, protect them by Your name, the name You gave Me, so that they may be one as We are one…”

By giving, we become one with those thousands of women, men, and children from remote areas of Haiti for whom access to drinking water becomes a reality.

Thus, the WFL well drilling program stands at the crossroads of human basic needs, our divine identity, and our participation in the growth of the Kingdom of God.

WFL is strongly committed to allocating all donations received for the construction of sanitary wells and the installation of manual, electric, or solar pumps to provide drinking water to the people of the southern peninsula of Haiti. We need your support and your prayers. Thank you for entrusting us!

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Water For Life in Haiti

Water For Life's mission is to provide clean drinking water, irrigation for farming opportunities, education and other means of assistance to the Haitian people.

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